Greeting and welcome to newsletter # 14!
Yes, I am a bit behind on my socials this week but after today I’ll be back on track!
The latest video dev log has been released on YouTube and can be found here:
Last Week:
The first thing I did last week was to make a stab animation for the primary dagger ability Stab in blender but I had a few issues when I tried to remap it to the Unreal Rig and more issues when I tried to apply it to the base Manny skeleton
Once I had those issues resolved I turned my attention to getting a collider box on the dagger so I could capture overlaps and send target data back to the daggers primary gameplay ability. It is setup so that the box collider is only enabled when the dagger is in the middle of a swing by using the animation notify system. I go into much more depth in the YouTube Devlog 13 (linked above). In the end I had the box collider enabling during the attack
Once I had the collider activating I added code to send damage events to the target being stabbed and added hooks into damage change so that enemy UI would update when they were damaged. I also setup a stance object that would be added to the player that had all the extra logic for each stance like pistol or dagger. The stance object also had colliders that could detect when the enemy was in range of special attacks like “Death form Above” and “Backstab”. I also created a custom material that I used in the Overlay slot to highlight the targets with different colors depending on the ability
The last thing I worked on this week was some tests of the Unreal Animation Goal IK node to see if I could adjust the stab to make it move towards the target and possibly use in the choke ability and some build tests to ensure that the build was working as expected
This Week:
I didn’t get everything done last week due to me biting off a bit more then I could chew so I’ll be continuing the work below and hopefully getting it all done this week ๐
- Choke and Dagger take down animations including death from above!
- Fix issue with pistol location when player on steps using knowledge gained this week
- Environmental energy barriers and wall details
- More work on voxel effect to clean it up and tie into ability systems
- Skybox and distant background details (Time permitting)
That is all for this update,
Tony D
Cronoforge Studios Inc